WARNING: The following blog is full of frustration and A LOT of bitching and whining. Reader's discretion is advised.
WSIB. What can one say about WSIB...??? I can think of a few choice descriptive words... however, I'm sure I'll be banned from blogging if I use the language that comes to mind.
I'm honestly trying to be patient...and for those that know me, know that ain't an easy task. WSIB seems to be made up of a bunch of un-holy wankers extraordinare! I realize that for them, the bottom line is the Almighty Dollar...and they are all too eager for me to go back to work. But on the other hand, they're dragging their sorry arses and not being proactive at all in regards to getting me into a specialist.
Let's start at the beginning, tho. On Sept 30 I sprained my back while at work. It hurt but I worked thru the rest of my day as usual. BUT by the end of my shift, I couldn't bend to take off my shoes or put them back on. The next day, I was to work an evening shift and I had hoped that I'd be feeling better by the time my shift started. However, I was really sore. So, I called work. **Originally, I was going to suck it up and go to work - not bother telling work I was sore - was just going to SUCK IT UP! But I had a voice inside my head telling me that I needed to call work (and a couple of friends who were reminding me that I was an RN, and should be smarter than that - ' CALL WORK YOU IDIOT ' they said to me)** Ok, back to where I was... called work and a manager said that I needed to go to a clinic or my FD ASAP. So, off to a clinic here in Barrie - as my FD is in Newmarket. The MD there said I shouldn't work that evening or for the w/e and to take it easy; if the pain continued or got worse, to go to the ER.
It didn't get better, in fact it was worse, and vital things were being affected (wont go into a lot of detail, but safe to say previous to my injury I was a very "regular" girl). I went to the ER here in town, and the MD there was a condescending jerk of a doctor, who said that it wasn't serious and that I needed PT (physio) - I'd be back to work in a few days to a week. Told me I didn't need any tests (i.e. CT scan or MRI) and offered me narcotics to deal with the pain - knowing full well, I was having issues with my 'regular' nature. At the time I was mildly annoyed, as were the nurses involved - but I thought, " Hey, it's not that serious.. I'll be fine ".
Found a PT that dealt with WSIB. They wanted me to do an x-ray for diagnostic purposes. X-rays show fractures, etc.. but aren't really all that affective when it comes to things that are more specific i.e. bulging discs, etc... and didn't even try to go to WSIB to request a CT Scan, or MRI. My FD, while a great doc, said if they didn't feel I needed anything further - then I wasn't going to be referred for anything else. The PT swore up and down that I didn't have a bulging disc, and proceeded to treat me for the sprained back (without diagnostic tests as nothing was ordered). I was also stuck (as they assumed - but didn't have proof) at the sacroiliac joint. Dude was WAY too aggressive with me, and without really knowing what was wrong with me (even tho I suggested a CT scan to just be sure of what was going on in my back) caused even further damage to my back.
Out of desperation, I went to a Chiropractor. I was in agonizing pain. Couldn't sleep, couldn't sit, stand, walk, do stairs - hated the thought of getting a shower cause it meant that I had to stand and bend...do all the stuff that you have to do, to get clean. **Side note - with my OCD, I'm somewhat of a scrubaholic. I need to be clean - sometimes a little obsessively. So, my current situation is a major pain (literally) - cause I can't shut that part of my brain off.** I'll skip over the not-so-important details and get to the point where this incredible woman (my chiro) has been fighting her ass off for me with WSIB. It took over TWO months for me to get a CT scan - which showed a bulging disc and confirmed that I was indeed stuck at the sacroiliac joint. Add to that, a lot of scar tissue from torn muscle and some pinched nerves.
As if things weren't bad enough - I got the flu from HELL and a nasty cough/cold with it on top of what you normally get with the flu. I coughed, sneezed and puked to the point that my chiro is thinking my bulging disc now resembles that of a jelly doughnut with said jelly squished out - given the insane pain associated with my new present condition - post flu.
Now, back to WSIB. These 'brilliant' turds, suggested this 'amazing' clinic in Mississauga that specializes in neck and back injuries. I'm on the top of the list, so they say. They agreed with my chiro (FINALLY) that this needs further investigation, as I'd exhausted pretty much all the suggested forms of pain control (haven't even started rehab yet!!) - I've tried acupuncture, cupping, meds - both non-narcotic and narcotic, heat, cold, ointments, laser therapy...and a few more that I can't think of at the moment. I've tried core strengthening exercises to better support my back. The chiro thinks ( as do her colleagues ) that I might benefit from nerve blocks and/or surgery. But only this last week ( remember, I've been at this for over 5 mo's ) I find out from WSIB that this 'wonderful' clinic that I was on the top of the list for - isn't even open and they're not sure when it will be open... and now they want to send me to Toronto Western. Which is " located in the heart of downtown Toronto "... as if that's a good thing!!
So, after my rant - my point is - if they're so frickin' eager for me to get back to work - why in the name of all that is Holy... are they dragging their bloody arses in getting me help ??? I need this consult with the neurosurgeon and the orthopedic surgeon as well as the MRI to happen, so I can get better and move on. Not be stuck in my house, short of chiro and groceries... HOLY POOP!! ... OH - and even though I'm being referred to Toronto Western - I still don't have an appointment. OY VEY!!
Ok.. I think I'm done that rant for now... LOL. Everyone asks what happened and why I'm still off work - I'm assuming that will answer their questions....
That's it for now.. thanks for listening to my bitch-fest. =^)